April 12, 2019
One of the most nerve-wracking things about going to college is having roommates. It’s stressful sharing a room or a home with somebody new!
However, if you get it right, it can make your time at college unforgettable. This I can say with confidence and from personal experience.
First, let me say the perfect roommates are probably not what you expect them to be. We are all too different to find a perfect match. Not everyone washes their dishes right after using them and some people don’t organize their room as you do. However, don’t let the small differences become roadblocks to happy living. In this blog, I want to share my experience. I want to tell you about my current roommate and how we found our two new roommates. Use my story as your guide for finding your perfect roommate(s)!
My Roommate
I was extremely fortunate to room my first year with somebody I knew since middle school. We had no awkward getting-to-know each other period. This is not to say that there weren’t things I learned about her those first few months. Her organization style was different than mine. Her morning routine was opposite to mine. Our roommate contract, which at the time seemed inconvenient, helped us address small details we hadn’t thought of. Things like what temperature we like the room in and what food odors we couldn’t stand, turns out were actually important but we had never spoken about any of it. We both had been accustomed to living some sort of way, but we found a way to mix both our routines and find a middle ground.
Personality wise, my roommate and I are very different as well. My roommate is more patient and relaxed. Me, on the other hand, am stress central always doing a million things at once.
Now, most people would hear that and think that we are not a good fit. Yet, I am so glad she is the way she is because she reminds me to take time for myself and I make sure to remind her about important things we must do. Though our personalities differ I believe we found something that allows us to resolve all our differences; it is easy to talk to her. Whenever we didn’t see eye-to-eye we don’t hesitate to tell each other and try to fix whatever is the matter. We take into consideration each other’s differences. Since we moved in together in August, we have become closer than ever before. She is the person I vent to and who I share all the exciting things that happen with. We talk about anything and everything for hours. She is in all the best memories I have in college and I am positive she will be in many more!
New Roommates
In my time at UF I had the privilege to meet two other girls who I can’t believe I spent so long not knowing. These girls will be joining my roommate and me next year in our very own apartment. I am certain that meeting them was fate. It was the same day we moved in and one of their friends was knocking on all the doors for fun. I opened the door and we made plans to check out the campus. On this campus tour, where we got lost more times than I can count, we solidified a bond that I know will never be lost. They are also incredibly different. They come from different area codes and different cultures, yet when it was time to look for apartments there was no question we were moving in together.
Now don’t misunderstand me. Having a roommate with a similar living style will make your living arrangements much easier. Having a roommate you know will also make this transition easier. However, the key to having a happy home life with three different people is to make sure they are people you truly like and that you all are able to take into consideration each other’s habits and routines.
My roommates and I, we all bring different things to the table. We don’t agree on everything. Despite not being the same in many ways, we share a connection which allows us to understand each other well, and that is why we signed a lease together for next fall.